Fire Impact Mitigation Fee
Fire impact mitigation fees one-time fees collected on the square feet of new development to help ofsett the impact that new development brings to emergency services. New development brings more population resulting in increased calls for services.
These fees help the District purchase or replace facilities and equipment that is needed to serve the new development. These fees are not used for salaries, general maintenance, or vegetation abatement.
These fee amounts are assessed at least once every 8 years with a nexus study which is required by California law.
Measure D
Ordinance No. 2016-1001
Ordinance 2016-1001 authorizes the levy of a special tax on parcels of real property on the secured property tax rolls of Lake County that are within the Lake County Fire Protection District and to expend the revenues therefrom, in order to augment funding for fire protection and prevention, rescue, emergency medical services and transportation, hazardous material, and other services relating to the protection of lives and property.
The net revenues raised by this tax are to be used solely for the purposes of obtaining, furnishing, operating and maintaining fire suppression and emergency medical equipment or apparatus, for paying the salaries and benefits of firefighting and emergency medical personnel, and for other necessary fire protection and prevention, rescue, emergency medical services and transportation, hazardous material, and other services relating to the protection of lives and property.
Because the burden of this falls on property, it is a property tax, but is not determined according to nor is it in any manner passed on the value of the property. This tax is based, to the extent practical, upon the risk of fire or emergency services and the need for services to each parcel and the improvements thereon.