You can find your zone at Zonehaven. Enter your address in the search bar and the site will identify the zone you entered into the search bar.
In an effort to better serve and communicate with our Lake County residents and businesses during evacuations or emergencies, an interactive map has been launched online that will provide important emergency information during an event. All of Lake County has been divided into specific zones. During an emergency these zones will be used to identify areas affected by the event that is occurring.
The Lake County Sheriff's Office, Lake County Office of Emergency Services, along with our public safety partners, encourage all members of our community to know their zone. You can know your zone by by going to https://community.zonehaven.com and entering your address in the search bar. This will identify the zone your residence or business is located in. During an event the Lake County Sheriff' Office, Lake County Office of Emergency Services will notify our community of warnings, evacuation orders and shelter in place advisories, using the zone number(s). Zonehaven will not replace any of our current notification procedures such as Wireless Emergency Alerts, Nixle, LakeCoAlerts and door to door notifications during evacuation orders. Zonehaven has been implemented to enhance our current communication and notification processes. Zonehaven is a system of two interconnected applications that bridge the gap between first responders and community members. Zonehaven is free to access by any member of the public. There is no requirement to sign up or log in, simply go to Community.Zonehaven.com and enter your address in the search bar.
Knowing your zone before an emergency will help expedite notifications and evacuations, should the need arise and increase the overall communication from the Lake County Sheriff's Office, Lake County Office of Emergency Services during an event.
“Reflect to Protect” is a program that was created by the Lake County Fire Chiefs’ Association in conjunction with the Fire Safe Council. It was designed for citizens whose property/residence is not clearly marked and visible for emergency responders. If you feel your home is in danger of not being found when you dial 9-1-1, click the Reflect to Protect link above to order one today!
Signs will be shipped directly to property owners. The sign shall be installed to the standard of the Public Resources Code 4290 requirements. The sign will be permenently placed at the driveway entrance and visible from both directions of travel along the road. If this is unacceptable, please call and make an appointment to determine a mutally acceptable location.
Ride alongs are available to experience what it is we do and is encouraged for anybody who is looking to get into the fire & EMS service. Ride alongs are scheduled with the duty officer each day. If you are interested in a ride along, please contact us to confirm there is room on the day's shift.
Please complete the Ride Along form and provide it to the office when you arrive.
Station Tours & Field Trips
Station tours for individuals or families are always welcome. Come on in and check out your local fire station!
Class groups and field trips are asked to schedule in advance. Contact the office to get scheduled today!
Knox Box Program
Are you a property owner thinking about installing a gate at the end of your driveway? If so, did you know that per the California Fire Code you are required to install a lock system that provides quick and easy access for emergency responders? Although not required, we also encourage those who have an existing gate in place to take advantage of the program. By your participation in this program, you are insuring that emergency responders can not only make a timely response to your residence, but they will do so without damaging your gate. In the event of an emergency, you do not want anything slowing down the response of your local Fire District!
We also encourage those who have an existing gate in place to take advantage of the program.
KNOX and your local fire district are working hand-in-hand to offer the best in fire protection and the finest in fast and secure emergency access.
10 Reasons to Install a KNOX-BOX
Eliminate needless, costly forced entry damage that may not be covered by your insurance deductible.
Assure immediate building entry by firefighters and emergency medical personnel without delay or waiting for building keys.
Protect inventory, equipment and supplies from unnecessary water damage caused by delayed sprinkler shut-off.
Satisfy local fire codes and emergency access ordinances.
Save time and aggravation by not having to drive to your building or gate at 2:00 am for a false alarm.
Feel secure about emergency coverage when your building is left unattended. The fire district holds the only key to the KNOX-BOX.
Maintain building security after a fire alarm investigation by simply re-locking the undamaged door.
Protect your property from thousands of dollars in damage with this one-time, low-cost investment.
Depend on the highest lock box security available with attack resistant, UL tested reliability.
Over the last 35 years, KNOX-BOX has been the chosen solution in more than 11,000 communities nationwide – communities just like yours!
Visit the KNOX website at www.knox.com to get started today!